
Tone works by emitting electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to simulate involuntary muscle contractions. Tone’s hands-free applicators target specific muscle groups to refine the appearance and strength of the muscle.

EmpowerRF is designed to safely and effectively treat delicate areas and improve functional health. Most clients find the treatments very comfortable and painless. Your physician will discuss in detail with you the specifics of your customized plan and how it will meet your individual needs.

  • What is tone?

    Tone is an innovative non-invasive solution designed specifically to increase muscle strength. It’s a nonsurgical procedure which will enhance your shape and tone.

    Treatments are customized and tailored to address your specific needs, so the end result is a more defined appearance without incisions, scarring, or downtime.

  • What kind of post procedure care is required?

    There is zero downtime associated with Tone. It is a quick and painless treatment that can be done over your lunch time, allowing you to return to your normal activities immediately. Patients may notice redness and warmth in the treated area which will subside after a few hours.

  • What can I expect during this treatment?

    Most patients find Tone comfortable. During your treatment you can expect the Tone applicators to emit direct electrical muscle stimulation that will induce muscle contractions. You will feel your muscles contract similar to what you would experience during a workout. Your treatment can be adjusted progressively to your comfort level.